Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Off With My Head: I Would Like to Have More Than One

Getting on an airplane in a little while. I am certainly looking forward to the part where I get to sleep.
Sudden moving is good for travel anxiety reduction. According to USPS, my [now old] apartment is a business. They must be confusing us with Dr Marks, the dead dentist who used to occupy the premises.

pastels & chalk on bedroom wall, self-made, self-destroyed

outside: rain
me: what's growing?
home: less
burial: the opposite
uncovering: what?
smoke signals: effective
morning: simulacra
cat: scratch & swallow
new: i have a really sharp knife
old: most of these pears are bad
what: this is why I do poorly on standardized tests
analogy: the sun is disproportionate to my hand at the 15 degree angle
this: is not an analogy
am I nervous: did the chicken cross the road?

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